Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wanted Review

another great movie! whoever was in charge of movies this summer is doing their job! this movie was action packed! angelina is as sexy and lethal as ever! and so is the oh so sexy james mcavoy! i've been in love with him forever! since i saw him in Frank Herbert's The Children of Dune! here is a fabulous pic of him from dune...

and here's one of angie from the movie...

but aside from all the eye candy in the movie, the plot totally has you going one way and then makes a left hand turn from the right hand lane! :-D so its an overall MUST SEE!

*Princess Drewbie*

Monday, July 07, 2008

Hancock Movie Review

so i went to see hancock the day it premiered aka my birthday and it was phenomenal! will smith was hilarious as hancock! its nice to see him coming back into his own. for awhile there, i was very wishy washy about will. and charlize theron! her character will blow your mine! i love how when she plays a character i dont see her, i actually see the character.

the plot is a whirlwind of fabulousness! the movie starts out how you expect it to but then takes all kinds of twists and turns and leaves you in a place you are sooooo unfamiliar with! :-D i'm really impressed with a lot of the movies that came out this year. they have actually kept me guessing as to what was gonna happen!

this movie is a DEFINITE must see! i think this might be THE movie of the summer...

*Princess Drewbie*

The Wait Is Over!

so now that i am back from my birthday/fourth of july hiatus, i have a nice little video to show you...

now wasn't that fabulous! we should all vote republican! ROFLMAO!

*Princess Drewbie*

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Birthday Time!

so guess who's birthday it is? MINE! :-D

so its my big 23rd birthday today and i'm going to go see hancock. i can't wait! it looks like its going to be a really good movie! i have my fingers crossed because will smith has let me down in the past but he really gave me hope that he's still got it in i am legend.

oh and wanna see what i got for my birthday....

yes that's right! i got an 89 camaro! i love it! it has so much power that i'm a little afraid of it but excited at the same time. and the picture isnt my car but its blue too. its just too hott outside to stand and take a picture. we actually have an excessive heat warning in vegas today. its gonna be at least 115 today and tomorrow. time to start bathing myself with ice water! :-D

*Princess Drewbie*

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Teenager Decapitated By Six Flags' Batman Roller Coaster...

this past weekend, a teenager was decapitated by the Batman: The Ride roller coaster after he hoped two security fences that were marked off limits to visitor and dangerous. witnesses say that the boy, along with a friend who was not injured, hoped the the fences to get his hat that fell of during the ride.

this is such a sad story. i just dont understand why he didn't go to one of the park operators and tell them he lost his hat. it always breaks my heart to see a life taken when it could have been avoided...

*Princess Drewbie*

Friday, June 27, 2008

LA Gas Station Gets Hydrogen Pump

so la gets to be the first town to get a hydrogen pump at a retail station. shell, which now has a visitor center so everyone can learn about this program, got to be the lucky station. it always makes me happy to see people taking action towards protecting the planet. the station is a part of a program to make alternative fuel sources more commercial. right now, the only vehicles that are hydrogen powered are being used as demonstration vehicles by motor companies. but that's okay, its a step in the right direction!

the only emission that hydrogen powered vehicles have is water vapor! how cool is that! i'm really all kinds of excited about this! it gives me hope that maybe some day, we can all be driving around in cars that aren't slowly killing us and our planet! the only problem is that the hydrogen fuel cells are kinda pricey. but who knows, maybe we can stop fighting this war that makes no sense and spend those billions on improving upon this awesome idea!


*Princess Drewbie*

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ciara and Chris Brown's BET Performance

now, i didn't watch the bet awards since award shows aren't really my thing. especially since i can find all the performances on youtube and save myself the bore of having to watch the whole thing. :-D but if i had to watch the whole thing JUST to see this performance, oh best believe that i would! the way these two dance is really an art form! see for yourself...

that move at the end! oooo it just made me want to jump out of my chair!

*Princess Drewbie*

Mini Me Has A....Sex Tape?!?!

so making one of my hourly rounds on, when i come across this! verne troyer's sex tape was "leaked" by the same person who "leaked" paris hilton's. coincidence? i think not. i guess that's one way to keep your name in the press...


*Princess Drewbie*

Parents of Child Left in Car Arrested

lawd have mercy! of course this happened in good ol' las vegas! the police arrested the parents of a FOUR YEAR OLD boy with muscular dystrophy, who left him in the car overnight for 17 hours earlier this month. now what i want to know is, how do you not notice that one of your children is missing. especially since he is disabled! i would think they would be even more mindful of his whereabouts! and the parents weren't even the ones to find him. it was one of his siblings! i just dont understand how someone could do that to their child!

when they arrested them yesterday, they released some more details from the case. ok now take a deep breath for this revelation: so when the mother found the lifeless body of her son, she didnt dial 911. she dialed 311, the non-emergency number, and the dispatcher said that she sounded "very calm". now dont you think that sounds a little odd for a mother, who just found her dead four year old to be "very calm"? well i guess maybe not if it was planned or just a regular day in the life of these people....


*Princess Drewbie*

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Drivers Mixing Ethanol with Regular Gas to Save Some $$$

drivers in the midwest have started blending ethanol with regular gas to save at the pumps, since ethanol, in someplaces, is almost a dollar cheaper! and i dont blame them at all! i would so do that even though the EPA and auto manufacturers warn against it but you know what, times are hard! and the studies that they've done at Minnesota State University say that so far, they dont see any signs of damage. actually, they found that you get BETTER mileage from blending the two!

in my opinion, i've always thought that the auto manufacturers are in cahoots with the oil company and that's why they are saying it will damage your car. that's also why its taken them so long to come out with alternative fuel source cars. and what alternative fuel source cars we do have, are still dependent on gas when they don't need to be! they have the technology to make cars that dont require any gas at all but then they would be biting the hand that feeds them. it really makes me sick how people are scraping together every penny they have to get to where they need to go when they shouldn't have to. especially since last year the oil industry had the highest profits that have ever been recorded in history! companies will do whatever they have to to turn a profit, even if it includes stepping on the backs of the working class to get there....but then again, that is the american dream...


*Princess Drewbie*