Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls Review

so the long awaited indiana jones movie...well as i'm sure you've heard, everyone is saying that its a horrible movie. well i just watched it and i would have to say that i TOTALLY disagree. i think it was a great movie. everyone is saying that the plot is ridiculous and far-fetched (maybe to the typical small-minded person) but i loved how it actually kept me guessing. i never would have thought what happened was what was going to happen. and everyone knows that i am notorious for knowing endings of movies within the first five minutes of the film. so all in all, i would say that if you are a person who can think outside of the box, you will love this movie.

and it didn't help that one of my top FBD's was in the movie...

oh and also, was it just me, or did it seem like the ending was foreshadowing? :-D

*Princess Drewbie*

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